Movie Review: Bad Ben 7: The Haunted Highway (2019)

I thought I was done being surprised by this series. And yet, seven movies in, we’ve got the best entry in the series. This is a very, very funny movie, where Nigel’s terrific blend of awkward lines of dialogue and accidentally perfect comedic delivery are utilized to their full extent.

In thi sone, Tom Riley (the incomparable Nigel Bach) has got a job for a fictitious ridesharing app.

We spend the first few minutes catching up with him, and learning how life has been treating him since the last Bad Ben film. He’s won his car back from auction, and he’s no longer living in the house on Steelmanville Road. But in his first night of work, everybody he picks up ends up going there.

Eventually we get down to it. There are vampires. But at this point, the plot really doesn’t matter. This is 100% just about us following Tom Riley around, and the character has never been more enjoyable than he is here.

Rating: 7/10

