Movie Review: Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice (2016)

This is just about as bad as a major blockbuster can get. It’s truly remarkable.

It’s really not a stretch to say that the plot doesn’t make a lick of sense. The script truly is a giant mess, failing to give Lex Luthor (Jesse Eisenberg) any kind of motivation, and having his grand plan to get Batman and Superman to fight, work, even though none of the details worked.

The scene where Batman and Superman actually fight is a lot of fun, but it’s as dumb as you’d expect. And the conclusion to it is just a meme.

The actual climax, involving Superman, Batman, and the horribly underdeveloped Wonder Woman fighting Doomsday, is truly awful. You can’t tell what’s happening half the time, and the entire thing just seems like it was rendered on somebody’s computer.

Zack Snyder, for being hailed as a visionary director (at least he was prior to the DCEU), really shares a lot of the blame for this. The look of the film is just awful. I mean, the dark and miserable stuff is…whatever, that’s his thing. But does the action have to look so depressing?

It’s bad. Very bad. But it’s watchable, too, as you may find yourself laughing at the film more than once.

Rating: 2/10

