Movie Review: Cliffhanger (1993)

Cliffhanger is one of many Die Hard ripoffs or clones to come out in the years following the success of the Bruce Willis film. Just as Speed is Die Hard on a bus, this is Die Hard on a mountain.

And Stallone is good. This is the kind of role he’s best for. He doesn’t do a whole lot in terms of character drama, but the emotions he shows are due to the situations he finds himself in. He’s cold, he’s scared, he’s determined.

This is the type of shit that Stallone is best at. And ironically the coolest action hero thing performed in this movie is done by Michael Rooker, who’s fun to see in this kind of role. Overall, this movie has a lot of actors in roles you wouldn’t expect them in. For instance, John Lithgow is the main terrorist guy.

Lithgow nails his role. It’s kind of hard for an actor like him to be threatening, but he pulls off a legitimately solid performance.

It’s a pretty good movie, but I don’t think it’ll stick with me the way Die Hard or Speed have.

Rating: 6/10

