Movie Review: Coriolanus (2011)

Shakespeare’s most underrated tragedy makes for one of the best Shakespeare adaptations ever put to film. In his directorial debut, Ralph Fiennes impresses both in front of and behind the camera.

The entire cast is great. I’ve never felt anything positive for Gerard Butler before, but he’s truly great as Aufidius, the protagonist’s rival-turned-ally. Apparently Coriolanus was Butler’s first ever professional acting performance on stage, and he definitely seems to have an understanding for the material.

And Vanessa Redgrave really shines as Coriolanus’ mother, Volumnia, one of Shakespeare’s most fascinating female characters.

All the themes of the play are captured beautifully here, and with some fantastic energy. This feels like an action movie, and it has a nice modern, gritty look. I normally don’t like modern-dress Shakespeare, but this really works for me. It truly looks like footage you’ve seen from Syria and other places there has been civil unrest recently.

Rating: 9/10

