Movie Review: Embrace of the Vampire (1995)


This movie is about as obsessed with sex as any teen boner comedy. I guess it’s better than nothing, because the plot is lame, so it might as well be hot.

Charlotte (Alyssa Milano) is a virginal college freshman who gets shit from her friends for being a virgin. It’s basically all they talk about, to be honest.

And don’t think that keeps her from being nude onscreen. This movie has what seems like dozens of dream sequences in which she has sex with a vampire (Martin Kemp). This happens so frequently, and were it not basically the only plot this movie had, I’d think it was an excuse just to show Alyssa Milano naked as often as possible. I’m not complaining about that part, but I can complain about the plot.

The vampire of the story is obsessed with her because she’s like a reincarnation of a previous love or something. And that’s basically all there is. We never really learn anything about the vampire. We can assume he’s right about the reincarnation throughout the movie, just given the guy’s passion, I guess.

Rating: 3/10

