Movie Review: Here Comes the Devil (2012)


The plot of this movie never quite goes in the way you’d expect, and while normally I’d applaud that, here, the film falls a bit flat.

It has some interesting things going on in the beginning, but the movie hits a wall somewhere in the middle, and becomes a drag.

The movie has a lot of nudity, and I’m certainly not going to complain about that. The opening scene is really good, actually. It starts with a sex scene, and that kind of distracts you from the fact that it’s a horror movie.

You get a conversation that you don’t quite understand, and then boom, it’s a horror movie, as someone breaks in and kills somebody, or at least tries to. It’s here where we start to run into some problems. The editing and direction are off. It’s hard to tell spatial relationships between people, and this would be an issue throughout the movie.

There’s definitely a decent amount of creepy stuff going on, though.

I just wish there were more of a story to care about.

Rating: 5/10

