Movie Review: Infernal Affairs (2002)

Infernal Affairs is a really great movie. It’s best known as being the thing that was remade to finally give Martin Scorsese an Oscar in The Departed, but in some ways, I like this movie more.

It’s much shorter than The Departed, and has a breakneck and exciting pace to it. The movie never really lets up, and the performances are all so intense to keep up the pace.

I also like Eric Tsang a lot more as the villain here than I liked Jack Nicholson. He’s terrifying and intense, but comes off in some scenes as quite likable, and he seems like a person that someone might risk their life to protect.

It’s a really entertaining movie. It’s quite similar to The Departed in a lot of ways, but if you’re only familiar with that, then check this one out. It’s a bit like having a new perspective on that movie.

Rating: 9/10

