Movie Review: Linnea Quigley’s Horror Workout (1990)


Linnea Quigley’s Horror Workout is certainly an oddity. It’s sort of hard to believe this thing exists, but the ’80s were a different time. Sure, this movie came out in 1990, but it was still well into the workout video boom, and I guess how else do you capitalize off of Linnea Quigley’s direct to video popularity?

The movie basically has three segments, following an intro that shows some of Linnea’s films. Oh, and of course there’s a shower scene. What I’m watching on Tubi is edited, and apparently it was aired on Fuse TV, which had a channel that aired old exercise videos from the ’80s and ’90s. I’d like to see this unedited, I suppose, but it wouldn’t be too different.

We start with her stretching.

It goes on for a while, and it’s kind of hot. She gets some funny lines, too.

Later, Linnea goes for a jog, and a bunch of zombies rise from the grave and swarm her before she shames them for being overweight and makes them work out with her.

