Movie Review: Low Blow (1986)

B-movie legend Leo Fong passed away recently, and after doing some research, it turns out that I hadn’t seen any of his movies. This is inexcusable, so I had to set out and watch one of his more memorable leading roles.

Fong is very fun to watch as this kind of pathetic elderly action hero.

It’s like Death Wish if he was still groggy after a nap. It’s not a good performance by any means, but it’s a very enjoyable one.

Speaking of grogginess, I’d be remiss to not discuss Cameron Mitchell as the cult leader villain. This is just so bizarre.

He’s basically never standing, and he kind of resembles Marlon Brando in The Island of Dr. Moreau. It’s such a bizarre performance, and you almost feel like you can smell the booze when he’s on screen.

The movie doesn’t give us the satisfying showdown between these two lazy characters that it feels like it should. But overall, it’s a satisfying b-movie.

Rating: 3/10

