Movie Review: Macbeth (2015)

I adore Scotland. And I really appreciate that this movie takes advantage of the beautiful Scottish locations. There are recognizable locations from the Isle of Skye, and it helps make this one of the most beautifully shot Shakespeare adaptations I’ve ever seen.

It’s not a perfect film, and it’s far from a perfect adaptation. I hate what they’ve done with the dagger soliloquy and a lot of the supporting parts seem to be kind of miscast. Fassbender is quite good, but Cotillard was a bit underwhelming (not exactly bad) as Lady Macbeth. It’s more the smaller roles (Jack Reynor as Malcolm) that really don’t work for me.

I’m a huge fan of Shakespeare, and I do think this is one of his weaker tragedies, but it’s obviously still great, and the movie taps into enough of the play’s greatness to make it worth your time.

Rating: 8/10

