Movie Review: Major League (1989)

I love this movie. It’s not the funniest movie or anything like that, but something about it make me laugh more at this than almost any other comedy film. So much of that as Bob Uecker, the voice of the Milwaukee Brewers, as announcer Harry Doyle. He’s hilarious in real life to begin with, so writing him as a disenchanted announcer of an awful team is just perfect.

I like the premise a lot here. The owner of the team wants the Cleveland Indians to be relocated to Florida, so she puts together the worst possible team. Hell, one of the people on the list of the desired roster, is dead, in one of my favorite jokes.

So it’s a team of misfits — convicts, old past their prime people with injury history, and people with severe flaws in their game such as the inability to hit a curve ball. These characters are all pretty likable, and generally very funny.

A lot of my favorite stuff comes from Spring Training.

But once the season starts, while I think the players are considerably less funny, we’ve got Uecker. So it’s all pretty good.

Rating: 9/10

