Movie Review: Primal Rage (1988)

Primal Rage is pretty much a blast, start to finish. It’s a weird Italian horror movie with mostly American actors I think (Sarah Buxton is in it, and she’s in the Italian film Nightmare Beach but I’ve also seen her in one or two American things, I think).

So someone’s doing some experiments on a baboon or something, and there’s like a rage virus and the baboon gets loose and spreads the disease to others, including Sarah Buxton.

There definitely could have been more baboon, because that’s just a lot of fun.

But most of the movie is people roaming around kind of like zombies, but just with a lot of anger issues. The score by Claudio Simonetti is awesome, and it really accentuates these scenes.

It’s not a good movie, but it excels in enough ways to keep it interesting. The gore and makeup effects are great.

Plus a number of scenes are quite fun and creative. And there’s just enough unintentional comedy.

Rating: 7/10

