Movie Review: Roadgames (1981)

Roadgames is basically Rear Window on the Australian highway, and it’s just as good as you might expect. Stacy Keach plays a trucker, partnered with his pet dingo, who thinks he sees someone burying a body, and then begins to follow the person.

He eventually picks up a hitchhiker, played by Jamie Lee Curtis, and the two of them have a fun and interesting dynamic.

Her presence allows for some humanity in the story, and for Keach to have someone to talk to and share his wild theories about. Eventually, as in Rear Window, the woman gets fully on board with the theory, and gets herself into some trouble, escalating the stakes.

I just can’t say enough good about this movie. It’s really entertaining, very well acted, and one of the best Australian films I’ve ever seen.

Rating: 8/10

