Movie Review: Scarlet Diva (2000)


Scarlet Diva is an odd movie. Written by, directed by, and starring Asia Argento, it’s an unflinching portrait of a celebrity being torn apart by drugs and relationships. It’s a very bold movie, particularly for a directorial debut.

And it looks like pure shit, as it’s shot on video. But I think that works here. The movie has this grungy quality that works pretty well.

This movie would probably feel very exploitative were it not Argento herself writing and directing this. Because as an actress, she is exposed — both physically and emotionally.

The problem is the movie doesn’t really go anywhere after a certain point. It becomes tedious, and while I’m sure it had a lot of personal meaning for Argento (particularly the thinly veiled Harvey Weinstein scene, which is truly terrifying), but it doesn’t leave the audience with a whole lot other than a dirty, disgusting feeling.

Rating: 5/10

