Movie Review: Sometimes They Come Back (1991)


Stephen King really had an obsession with greasers, huh? This kind of feels like a cross between Christine and Pet Sematary, but with a TV budget.

Director Tom McLoughlin (Friday the 13th Part VI: Jason Lives) does his best here with a reasonably good cast, highlighted by Tim Matheson and Robert Rusler.

It’s kind of a lousy story, to be honest, and that’s really what drags the movie down. It’s sort of a supernatural revenge story, except there’s not much to care about. The characters aren’t particularly interesting, and the story doesn’t have any particularly interesting twists.

I’ve heard that most Stephen King television adaptations from the ’90s were pretty garbage, and I can’t confirm that. While this movie isn’t very good, it’s not terrible. But I wouldn’t recommend it.

Rating: 3/10

