Movie Review: The Day of the Beast (1995)

The Day of the Beast is a pretty clever satire that probably works better as a comedy than as a horror movie. Generally speaking, I don’t care that much for most horror comedies, especially because the comedy usually means the movie’s not really horror, and instead just a violent comedy.

Here, the movie feels like it has a voice, and that’s one of the best compliments I can give a satirical movie. Or maybe it’s just the bare minimum I ask for in a satire, but it’s paid off here.

I’m impressed mostly with the script, but also with the direction by co-writer Alex de la Iglesia. He tackles a lot of interesting topics here, and he makes the most of what he has. The movie looks very good, despite being relatively cheap by modern standards. And he’s got a pretty good cast, too.

Rating: 6/10

