Movie Review: The Hobbit: The Desolation of Smaug (2013)

This is the best of The Hobbit movies. Depending on where you stand on these movies, that may not say much. But this is a pretty entertaining movie. It’s excessive, and it has some moments I don’t like. And it certainly dawdles in its storytelling, of course. But that’s just what this trilogy is, unfortunately.

Peter Jackson is still a very good action director, and he takes over-the-top scenes that are a bit too much, and makes them entertaining. It’s not perfect, but it’s entertaining.

This movie also looks the best of the Hobbit trilogy because it seems to have the most practical sets.

I love the look of Lake Town. It reminds me of everything I’ve ever seen of Shakespearean Southwark or perhaps even an older medieval city. it looks great, and with all the stuff we actually see on the ground/water level, it looks real, too.

It’s far from a perfect movie, but I like it. If I’m going to rewatch any Hobbit movie, it’s going to be this one.

Rating: 7/10

