Night Gallery episode review — 3.12 — Death on a Barge

Original air date: March 4, 1973
Director: Leonard Nimoy
Writer: Halsted Welles

Rating: 7/10

I’m in the home stretch now. This final season really hasn’t been all that great, but there have been some highlights so far, and I think this is one of them.

Hyacinth (Lesley Ann Warren) is a beautiful young woman who spends her nights on a barge that’s tied to shore in a fishing village. A young man, Ron (Robert Pratt), takes interest in her and hopes to get on her boat.

But there’s a catch: she’s a vampire.

I like the direction by Leonard Nimoy. He shoots it all pretty uniquely, making great use of lighting.

Ron eventually figures out what she is, but he’s still in love with her.

This is a strong episode visually, and the casting of Lesley Ann Warren is perfect. The plot leaves a little to be desired, but it’s still overall a satisfying Night Gallery episode.

