Psych episode review — 4.9 — Shawn Takes a Shot in the Dark

Original air date: October 16, 2009
Director: Mel Damski
Writer: Andy Berman

Rating: 8/10

It was the mid-season finale of the season, so you know what that means: it’s time for Psych to get uncharacteristically serious.

While it’s not that funny, and it has a convoluted plot, it kind of works as far as an attempt at a dramatic thriller. Shawn gets shot investigating a crime, and is held captive by two guys, including one played by Michael Rooker (Henry: Portrait of a Serial Killer, Guardians of the Galaxy).

Rooker is the highlight of the episode, playing an ex-soldier who Shawn deduces could have easily killed him, but instead has some second thoughts.

The best scene of the episode is when Shawn is allowed to make a phone call, which he places to Juliet. It’s very dramatic, and you can almost feel the heartbreak of Juliet when he says, “I love you, Abigail,” revealing that the whole thing has been an attempt to give her a clue.

The climax of the episode is also genuinely exciting, with Shawn jumping from a truck onto Lassiter’s and Henry’s car.

Overall, it’s a relatively strong entry. It’s somewhat lacking in laughs (not completely lacking, of course), but it makes up for it with some good acting, and some nice stunts towards the end.

