Science Fiction Theatre episode review — 1.2 — Time Is Just a Place

Original air date: April 16, 1955
Director: Jack Arnold
Writer: Lee Berg (story by Jack Finney)

Rating: 7/10

So I wasn’t feeling too great after that first episode. And while this one’s also far bigger on talking than it is on action, it’s got so strong a story that it works.

We follow a married couple, who are probably the most ’50s people I’ve ever seen. When we first meet them, they’re talking about how hard the husband works and how he hasn’t watched a game all week. And yes, they sleep in separate beds.

But they’ve got some mysterious neighbors who they eventually meet. And they’re from the future.

And we learn this because he’s an inventor who’s got futuristic inventions.

Like the last episode, this one is quite talky, but it’s better acted, with Warren Stevens as the neighbor husband. And the story is strong.

