Scream episode review — 2.6 — Jeepers Creepers

Original air date: July 5, 2016
Director: Evan Katz
Writer: Anna Christopher

Rating: 6/10

This episode is a lot of fun. It may not be great, but it’s definitely a lot better than the last one.

Emma and Kieran are working through their shit. Her thing is she wants him to trust her to do the right thing, or the smart thing (which to be honest, following last episode, I’m not sure is fair). And we see by the end of the episode that he doesn’t fully trust her, anyways.

So Noah’s doing his investigation thing, and he now really suspects Audrey, who’s taking out her frustration over losing her phone by beating the shit out of a punching bag.

Emma goes over to Noah and demands to see his “murder wall” of suspects, and is shocked to see that Audrey’s the one. She doesn’t even really hear him out, but he eventually contacts Eddie, the guy from his comment section who claims to have seen Piper’s accomplice who matches Audrey’s description, showing him a picture of Audrey, asking if it’s her.

They both agree that Eddie will say he’s never seen her, but you get the impression Noah doesn’t really believe it. And we get a reveal that Eddie is dead, and the killer is texting from his phone. I had to rewind this scene, actually, because I didn’t know if we were supposed to recognize this guy, but I’m going to say we weren’t. Unless maybe it’s the guy that was stabbed by Audrey in the first episode?

At any rate, Noah and Emma are planning on meeting “Eddie” at a creepy circus at night, which is a fun setting.

But Emma doesn’t show up on time because she’s busy talking to Kieran, and Noah’s abducted from his car.

Meanwhile Brooke has met up with Stavo to gather information about Mr. Branson. She finds that his alibi is he was on a date with the psychology teacher, which she doesn’t buy, but she checks up on it by going to talk to her and claiming that the night Jake was killed, she was sleeping with him.

She meets up with Mr. Branson and acts like she’s about to have sex with him, handcuffing him and blindfolding him, only to end up threatening him trying to find out what he was doing that night.

He comes clean and says that he was supposed to meet with Jake, who was paying him to get out of town and leave her alone. She buys it, but leaves him cuffed to the bed.

He’s later, of course, killed in a scene that’s pretty brutal, and more than a little weird.

Noah finds himself tied up at the circus along with Audrey, and thinking they’re about to die in a torture porn scenario, he confesses to stealing her phone and following her, thinking she’s the killer. When Audrey learns that Emma has shown up, and Noah mentions that they were to meet Eddie, she reveals that the whole kidnapping thing was all a front for him to not suspect her, and she mentions that Eddie’s dead.

Then there’s kind of a halfass scene where Emma sees and hides from the killer before meeting up with them, and then Kieran shows up, because it’s not a Scream property if someone doesn’t show up right as a killer disappears. So I don’t like the ending of this episode so much (I mean, I guess the part where Audrey comes clean with Noah is alright).

But this is a pretty strong episode overall. I like the whole fake kidnapping thing, as silly as it is. And Karna’s comedic ability shines in this episode, both in the scene where Audrey confronts him when he was following her and he has to awkwardly pretending he was shopping for bikes, and when shows up at the circus or carnival or whatever alone. And Brooke seducing and then threatening Branson is great stuff.

