Second Viewing: Us (2019)

Us has a lot of problems, but basically all of them emerge in the last act. On a literal level, the story falls apart, though you might argue it works as a symbolic thing. What’s frustrating about that (and also what redeems the movie and makes it quite good overall) is how great the first two acts are.

Us is tense, frightening, emotional, and just so well done. While it might not be as good as Jordan Peele’s Get Out, it’s arguably the stronger film from a direction standpoint. I think it’s a better, more frightening horror movie, even if it doesn’t carry quite the same symbolic and satirical edge to it.

Lupita Nyong’o is absolutely amazing in a dual role. The rest of the cast is good, of course, but she steals the show. I’d like to see her make more movies like this.

And that goes for Jordan Peele as well, and maybe that’s what Nope will be. I had my doubts when I saw that Get Out trailer, with Peele having a comedy background, but he’s genuinely good at delivering scares, and he’s a good writer, too, even if the plot doesn’t quite hold up all the way through this movie.

Rating: 8/10

