Slasher: The Executioner episode review — 1.7 — In the Pride of His Face

Original air date: April 8, 2016
Director: Craig David Wallace
Writer: Aaron Martin

Rating: 7/10

This is just about as exciting as this series has been. Sarah goes to Tom looking for answers, and we see the scene that opened the season with the original Executioner murdering her parents, only we see a lot more of it. We see that Tom is actually Sarah’s father, as he was a preacher who had sex with her, though he was secretly filmed, which explains the weird sextape Sarah discovered earlier in the season.

So Cam orders that Tom be transported after discovering some new evidence implicating him as the next victim, and this leads to a fun escape scene.

Meanwhile Sarah discovers that her husband was obsessed with the Executioner even before he met her, so things are on rocky ground with that relationship.

Tom and Sarah are both captured by the Executioner, who is about to kill Sarah, until Tom successfully pleads with him and argues that he’s truly the one who has committed the sin of pride.

The end of the episode reveals that Cam is indeed the new Executioner, and I wish that this was handled a different way. The next episode is the season finale, and I think it’s fine to reveal that in this season, but I’d maybe like to see someone finding out it’s Cam, even if they’re killed. It’s kind of weird just to see it as an omniscient viewer.

But that’s a small complaint for what was certainly one of this season’s best episodes. The backstory to Tom is great, and it recontextualizes a lot of what we’ve seen so far. And the scene with the Executioner, Tom, Sarah, and a tablesaw is riveting.

