Star Trek: The Next Generation episode review — 7.21 — Firstborn

Original air date: April 25, 1994
Director: Jonathan West
Writer: Rene Echevarria (story by Mark Kalbfeld)

Rating: 6/10

I don’t know why this show continues to explore Worf’s relationship with his incredibly boring son, Alexander, but at least this episode does something different with it.

Worf is concerned that his son will not grow up to be a great warrior, and he realizes that in order to change that, he must expose his son more to Klingon culture.

After doing that, Worf is visited by a Klingon, K’Mtar, who says that Worf’s brother has sent him to ensure that Alexander becomes just as Worf wants.

So while it sounds like there would be no conflict, but there’s an assassination attempt and some Deep Space Nine tie-in that I really can’t explain too well. And it turns out that K’Mtar is actually Alexander from the future, trying to make sure that he’d be ready for an assassination attempt on Worf.

It’s actually pretty interesting and a nice use of time travel, but I can’t bring myself to care too much about that little brat.

