Tales from the Crypt episode review — 2.4 — ‘Til Death

Original air date: April 24, 1990
Director: Chris Walas
Writer: Jeri Barchilon

Rating: 5/10

D.W. Moffett plays a developer on a tropical island, Logan Andrews, who learns that he’s going to need a lot more money. He meets a young British socialite, Margaret Richardson (Pamela Gien), who hates the island and is certainly high-strung. He decides to court her to get her money, but she doesn’t much care for him. He seeks out the help from a voodoo priestess, who gives him a potion to make her marry him.

It doesn’t work immediately, but she eventually comes over and seduces him. Afterwards, she convulses, and dies, with her last words being that she’ll always love him.

Logan confronts and threatens the voodoo priestess, claiming she killed her.

Margaret rises from her grave and kisses Logan, surprised to learn that she’s died. When he decides to marry her, her body starts decaying, and he tries to kill her, only to find that he cannot.

She gets worse and worse until she’s basically a walking skeleton. He sets her on fire, and pushes her into quicksand. She comes back later that night, even more grotesque looking. He passes out, and finds himself in a voodoo ceremony, only to be stuck with his skeleton wife.

This is a very average episode. The story proceeds exactly as you’d expect. The only real highlight is the makeup on Margaret. There are several different looks for her throughout the episode, and each one gets more disgusting. It really is quite great. But the episode isn’t.

