The Magicians episode review — 4.6 — A Timeline and Place

Original air date: February 27, 2019
Director: James L. Conway
Writer: Christina Strain

Rating: 5/10

If I’m a bit confused as to what’s going on, I’m going to blame that on the fact that I watched this episode on my phone while I was at the gym. I’m not using that as an excuse for the series as a whole, since I think this was the first episode of the season that this was the case. But yeah, I’m not 100% sure what’s going on here.

I enjoyed the scene with the two Pennys talking to each other, with one of them asking the other to take his place, but I admit that I’m confused as to which one is the Penny that I’ve been watching most of the series.

Alice meets a magician who hasn’t been to Brakebills or gotten any kind of formal training, and she advises her against having anything to do with the library. And those hedge witches are up to some shit again, though they’re targeting the library, which I guess is in control of magic now or something.

The most enjoyable little plotline in this episode is probably High King Margo over in Fillory, dealing with the talking animal problem.

I don’t know what it is, but I’ve just really enjoyed Margo the past couple episodes. I think seeing her apart from most of our main characters lets her stand out more.

