Twin Peaks episode review — 2.14 — Episode 21/Double Play

Original air date: February 2, 1991
Director: Uli Edel
Writer: Scott Frost

Rating: 6/10

Investigating the dead body, Agent Cooper knows everything. The body has been killed and placed there by Windom Earle, who we finally get some information on. Cooper and Windom Earle used to play chess all the time, and Earle never lost. Additionally, Cooper speaks of how they used to be partners, and how he had to protect a material witness to a federal crime — Windom’s wife.

Cooper admits he fell in love and that he failed to protect her. Apparently her death, Windom Earle was in a mental hospital for years until he recently escaped. Not only does he blame Cooper for her death, but Cooper suspects that Windom murdered her, and feigned insanity.

Audrey and Ben talk about a business opportunity and about getting Ben Horne back to being normal.

Meanwhile, in a blackout, Shelly Johnson finds herself locked in her home, with Leo up and about. She pulls a knife, and he attacks her, throwing her across the room. Bobby arrives as Leo pulls an axe.

Bobby and Leo struggle, and then Shelly stabs Leo in the leg. Leo then runs off.

Ed and Norma continue to sort of get back together. Hank Jennings, who’s in the hospital from Nadine’s attack, is going to be arrested for parole violation. Additionally, Nadine of course wants to date boys she’s at school with.

James continues to be seduced by that woman, even after he meets her husband. And this plot continues to be the least interesting part of Twin Peaks. Donna, with nothing to do in the story, is now out looking for James.

Audrey brings in Jerry Horne and Dr. Jacoby to look at Ben, who continues his Civil War fantasy, thinking Jerry is JEB Stuart.

Cooper and Truman meet once again with Major Garland Briggs, hoping he’ll give them more information. Briggs now believes that he had been taken to the White Lodge, though he remembers virtually nothing.

Dr. Jacoby now believes to have cured Lana Budding Milford of her delusion that she was cursed. He has instead found out that she has an increased sex drive, and she appears to have started a relationship with Dr. Jacoby. The Mayor shows up with a gun, but everything is solved relatively easily, as Lana ends up seducing the Mayor.

Andrew Packard reveals himself to Pete, and Andrew and Catherine acknowledge that Thomas Eckhardt tried to kill him.

Thomas Eckhardt, meanwhile, arrives in Twin Peaks, and stays at the Great Northern.

James is ready to leave that woman he’s been staying with when he learns that her husband is dead, and that he’s been set up. She’s had a change of heart, though, since meeting Donna, and tells him to leave, and that he won’t be implicated.

So we’re done with that plot. About damn time.

At the end, Leo meets Windom Earle (Kenneth Welsh).

This episode is nothing spectacular. It has a bit more direction to it than much of the post-Leland Twin Peaks, but there’s nothing really that stands out. The Leo scene with Shelly and Bobby is pretty good.

