America Last: Trump Abdicates Climate Leadership

As You Sow
As You Sow
Published in
2 min readJun 2, 2017

By As You Sow Staff

Yesterday, President Trump announced that he is withdrawing the U.S. from the landmark Paris Climate Accord. We believe this decision will go down in history as the most significant failure of a sitting President. Investors, the financial community, and leading companies worldwide recognize the extreme and growing risk of a warming climate to a profitable and stable economy, not to mention a healthy, living planet and its people.

As the climate conscious world around us continues to decarbonize, this stunningly short-sighted decision will have a long term, adverse effect on our country’s competitive position in technology and jobs, as the mantle of leadership is taken up by China, Europe, and India. Make no mistake, this action won’t bring back coal jobs, which were lost primarily to more economical energy alternatives.

As You Sow is 100% committed to using every available tool to fight for the letter and spirit of the Paris Climate Agreement. We will redouble our efforts pressing corporations to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, stepping up even more strongly in the face of the dangerous and reckless decision made by the Trump administration. When our leaders abdicate leadership on critical issues like climate change, civil society must step into the breach.
#ParisClimateAgreement #ClimateChange



As You Sow
As You Sow

Engaging Corporations. Protecting People and Planet.