The Future We Fight For

As You Sow
As You Sow
Published in
2 min readAug 16, 2017

Intolerance and hatred have no place in our country, or for that matter on our planet. We condemn the fear based violent actions by a minority of self-proclaimed racists. Their violence and anger must be met with unity by those who believe in equality, justice, and human rights for all.

While we recognize that there is so much that is great about this country, as we look at the events of this past weekend in Charlottesville, we also realize that there is a dark past rooted in prejudice, injustice, and race-based supremacy that have now emerged and threaten our democracy, our civil society, and our belief system.

Discrimination, racism, hatred, and ignorance have no place in our lives today or in our future. We stand against these divisions and those who promote them, who use fear as a means to power. If we are to survive as a country and as a planet, we must stand together, unified against hate. We fight for everyone’s future; a better future, a future where all humanity is respected, and all humanity respects nature and one another.

In our democracy we each have a duty to defend and uphold those values that define us. We fight against those who destroy the environment shared by us all. We fight against those who promote racial and economic injustice. And for those who fight to return to a darker past, who seek to roll back the slow progress that curves toward justice, we stand against your narrow and ineffective vision.

We choose to build a better future for everyone, and that is a future worth fighting for.

As You Sow was founded 25 years ago, predicated upon the idea that humanity could improve itself, that by planting the seeds of change we could create a more sustainable world, and help all people prosper. Again and again through focused action, we have seen that we can make deep systemic change toward a more just and equitable world.

We stand arm in arm, shoulder to shoulder, with the people of Charlottesville and the world who will not allow hatred and intolerance to shape our future.

-As You Sow staff



As You Sow
As You Sow

Engaging Corporations. Protecting People and Planet.