Meet Asana Design: Tamar Pacheco-Theard

Asana Design
Asana Design
Published in
3 min readMay 6, 2021

Welcome to our blog series, Meet Asana Design, where we feature members of the Asana Design team.

(Right) Tamar Pacheco-Theard, Design Program Manager for Asana

Why are you in design?

Design is my modus operandi. I’ve been a creator since I was young, and there’s certainly been a very squiggly line between my youthful backyard mud sculptures and my current role as a Design Program Manager. Whereas previously I would design experiences for external customers, I now design for internal customers, namely the Asana Design Team. 😍

Humanism is one of the core value propositions of Design. I aim to highlight the human aspect that comprises every design team member. I love learning about (and from) each of my teammates — their personalities, goals, wants and needs, motivations, and pain points — and synthesizing that empathy into robust programs that enable each person to thrive throughout their entire employee experience. As a service leader, my approach is people-first — ensuring we all feel seen, heard, valued, and cared for, which will grow the business in turn. I foster humanity at work. 🦄

What’s your day-to-day like as an Asana Design team member?

My speciality is in team operations; going wide and optimizing for the entire Design function. You’ll often find me laser focused on a number of key areas of responsibility including onboarding, internships, and mentorships. I also oversee our Design infrastructure, as well as our Design community. My day-to-day is typically a delightful concoction of proactive, reactive, tactical, and strategic work. My happy place is hovering between the micro and the macro, zooming in on tiny details and back out again to view the big picture. I connect the dots, connect people, and turn over a whole lotta rocks to see what’s underneath. Am I an undercover sleuth? Maybe. The most magical parts of my day are those spent with teammates. COVID certainly has done wonders to crystalize what’s most important. 💖

Who or what inspires you?

On a professional level, the Asana Design team inspires me on a daily basis. I serve a community of remarkable humans who are uniquely adept, curious, compassionate, resilient, and fun. The broader Design community is also incredibly inspiring, and I would be remiss if I didn’t highlight the Design Operations community specifically. The trajectory of my life has been forever altered by the amazing people at DesignOps Assembly and Rosenfeld Media. 💡

On a personal level, I am constantly inspired by my loved ones and in awe of the wondrous world around us all. Intrinsic motivation is what moves me — autonomy, mastery, and purpose. My maxim is the Golden Rule and my purpose is to cultivate a culture of support where we lift one another up, continually learn and grow, and fully nurture and own our most authentic selves. We each have such a finite amount of time on this earth. I’m eternally grateful, privileged, and humbled to experience such a gift, and endeavor to do so with an open heart and a full stomach. ✨

Let’s bring work to life! 🥂

Want to learn more about the Asana Design team? Check out and get social with us on twitter + instagram.

p.s. We’re hiring!

