[Asana] But, maybe, one day, I might… No! #trash

Bastien Siebman
Asana / minimalist work
2 min readJan 4, 2019


When applying the concept of minimalism to your life, one keystone is to get rid of things that are no longer useful and do not provide you with joy. So you get rid of that sweater you have never once worn and probably never will. You get rid of books you have already read and are unlikely to read again, even if you think “maybe one day I might want to”. The goal is to clear your environment, which in turn clears your mind.

The same logic applies to Asana. Get rid of that task which has been sitting there untouched for weeks and which you never wanted to do (clean up the bat cave?). If it is truly important, it will come back. Consider that maybe you are not the right person for the job and assign it to someone who is a better fit. Archive that project you are not using anymore. If you need it again one day, you will be able to find it easily through the search function.

Keeping redundant tasks will not only affect your motivation, but it will also prevent you from identifying what is really important in your to-do list.

Some companies apply this very concept when prioritizing requests from users. They don’t keep track of every single request because if a request is indeed important, it will come back again and again, until everyone knows how vital it is.

Bonus advice: it might feel weird for the first few tasks, but I can guarantee you that it is definitely worth it in the long run. After you have completed your tasks in Asana, give yourself the pleasure of decluttering your home and office. You don’t need 10 pens on your desk, only one. You probably need only two or three pairs of shoes, not 20. And surely you don’t need more than one coat per season.

Learn more about Asana in my free ebook Become an Asana superhero. Make sure to also check out my website for more Asana products, services, and resources.



Bastien Siebman
Asana / minimalist work

Asana is my secret tool. Asana Certified Pro. Author of several ebooks. Asana Community #1 contributor in the world.