How I started with Asana?

Mădălina Ivona Popa
Asana / minimalist work


Since 2012, I have been working as a freelancer; it is like my second job. I started on some freelance platforms as a web researcher. After a while, and after a little more experience, I moved on to VA niche.
This was nice but not enough for me. I like to have various jobs that allow me to use my brain and make progress while working, and not just do simple jobs with small tasks.
This was the moment when I decided to search for more. I started to teach myself how to create websites, and it was just lovely. I learned fast how to use Joomla and WordPress, the most used platforms in that period and go fishing for clients.
The enthusiasm was huge, but the client base was not. So I continued to work on my day job and got involved in some projects. But that was not on my taste, and I abandoned my love for websites. Though, not forever!
In 2015, while being pregnant, I was home almost every day. The pregnancy reminded me how beautiful it is to work from the silence of your house, make yourself a program that is easy to keep, and so on.
I started to quickly reactivate my Upwork profile and go fishing for clients again. I found a great company, Veeva Systems, where I was hired as a web researcher. I was working with them, took a little break after giving birth to my son, and after a week, came back again to work. In November 2017, my contract with Veeva ended, and I was feeling horrible. I lost my team, but I won some friends.
As a joke, I bought a domain, thinking to start a blog. Bad idea. Even though I had a storm of words in my mind, I didn’t have enough courage to write.

Being lonely, my domain was transformed into a portfolio website, and I started to search websites for clients.
While looking for clients, I started to use social media to promote my services. This is how I started to build a little business with my baby boy at home.
Having clients, I needed something to help myself get organized because it is not so easy to keep everything in order. I had a list of things I needed to do: Be with the baby, feed, play, and read him books, and work while the baby takes a nap. I tested a lot of programs but couldn’t find what I wanted… until Asana.

It was like I found my own America!

One single program, easy to use, intuitive, with the possibility to have multiple projects inside, with notes and reminders, and all you need for a solopreneur business.
I started to create projects, lists, tasks, descriptions, and all that was needed to keep me organized and help me to work, schedule from my phone, and access information from my laptop. I told you, how great is it?

While studying about Asana, I met Bastien on the Asana forum. We started to collaborate, and this collaboration opened my blue eyes to new, pink opportunities.
I continued to work on my personal projects, but I continued with Bastien on Templana also. This great collaboration made me discover new ways and utilities for Asana. And if someone asked me about a great organizing program, I would recommend them Asana.

Some people got the app and tried to use it, while others abandoned and considered it too complicated; this is because it is always easier to abandon something instead of learning something new. I didn’t stop recommending Asana.
A while ago, some moms from mom groups who work from home were asking for a proper app to organize their clients from a handmade niche. I told them about Asana, of course. Some of them tried the app, and some of them have never heard about it. So, I scheduled a meeting with them to explain how to use Asana and help them to have personalized views inside while considering the needs of each one. The meeting was a mess because it is impossible to learn something with kids next to you.
We scheduled a Zoom meeting, and it was easier to explain to them while sharing my screen. The Q&A session was easy to manage, and I was very excited about this. I found out something new about me; I have the power to explain, and explain, and explain until everyone understands. This is great to know, and I consider this the first step to getting certified and continue to work with Asana and promote the benefits of this great app.

Learn more about Asana in my free ebook Become an Asana superhero. Make sure to also check out my website for more Asana products, services, and resources.

