5 Books Everyone Must Read

Azlan Shah
Asas Lab
Published in
3 min readJun 26, 2016

Nowadays, everyone invest their money in property, mutual funds, stock market and other financial instruments. However, most people do not invest in themselves which is the MOST IMPORTANT and HIGHEST RETURN ON INVESTMENT (ROI) compared to other investment they had and will make.

One of the way I invest in myself is by reading books. Here are the top 5 books that everyone must read:

1. Think and Grow Rich

Author: Napoleon Hill

If you can only read one book, I’ll recommend you to only read this book. Napoleon had interviewed hundreds of successful people around the world. He found out that all of them followed a similar recipe that made them successful. This recipe can be applied to normal people too like you and me.

2. Rich Dad, Poor Dad

Author: Robert Kiyosaki

This book had open my eye on the importance of financial education. Robert provides an eye opening stories on how the wealthy thinks about money. He offers unconventional advice which is controversial such as house is not a not asset. This book does not tell you the exact technique to become rich. But it will change your perception about money and life.

3. Work Smarter Not Harder

Author: Jack Collins, Michael Leboeuf

Everyone believe that the harder you work, the more successful you are. If it is true, then all the construction workers will be rich by now. This book will teach you that smart work is more important than hard work. You will learn practical advice on time management and productivity. After reading this book, I can assure you that you can do any task better than before (If you practice the techniques)

4. The Dream: How I Learned the Risks and Rewards of Entrepreneurship and Made Millions

Author: Gurbaksh Chahal

At 16, Gurbaksh started his first company and sold it two years later for $40M. At 25, he sold his second company to Yahoo for $300M. At 27 he started his 3rd company, RadiumOne. At 32, he started his fourth company, Gravity4. This is a true story about an immigrant who came to US and make his American Dream came true. However, along the way he faces numerous challenges. This is a suitable book for Millennials that wants to pursue their dream as Gurbaksh provide practical advice that he learn at a young age while building his multi-million dollar business.

5. The Alchemist

Author: Paulo Coelho

The story is simple, not a great literature that can win multiple awards but it is thought-provoking. As I read the book, it reminds me about following our dreams, pursue our passion, take risks and listen to our heart. These are lessons that we heard everyday but often forgotten as we are wrapped up in the hustle and bustle of our material lives. It is a quick read. You can finish it in one day. It will provide you with some new insight about life and remind you of some old one’es that you have forgotten. I totally recommend it!

Thanks for reading.

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