Debugging Stack Events in Asayer

Gain visibility over your stack to make debugging easy.

Laurena Dehlouz
3 min readNov 12, 2019


source: Intercom

Debugging a modern software is like going to war against an army of invisible enemies. To make sure that you have good visibility over your entire application, you need a lot of tools, each one monitoring a specific aspect of your software.

With information streaming down from many separate sources, the full picture gets diluted. To keep watch over everything, you need to gather all that data in one single place.

When it comes to tracking and fixing errors, there are certain questions that cannot be answered by the casting eye of error reporting tools alone:

  • How did your user experience these issues?
  • How did your entire stack (frontend/backend/network) behave?

Asayer makes it easy to find stack errors and to understand their root cause, as well as their impact on both your users and the rest of your software. By unifying all your debugging tools around a session replay, you gain observability over the issues across your entire stack, making debugging easy.

With Asayer, debugging issues from across your stack is easy.

Step 1. Replay the issue

Understand how your real users experience these stack events, and what those actually actually look like. Instead of blindly relying on lines of code that don’t even make much sense to begin with, combining the data from your stack with a session replay, shows you how issues are affecting your real users.

Each session replay is a perfect reproduction of your users browsing session, to the very last pixel. In sync with this video, your backend error tracking logs are displayed as they actually occurred during your real users’ sessions.

Above is a session from one of our own users. As you can see, we are seeing error alerts from Bugsnag and Stackdriver at the precise moment they happen during the users’ session.

Step 2. Root cause analysis

By clicking on a particular stack event, you get the full stack trace, allowing you to dig deeper into the root cause of the issue.

If there are any other events from applications in your Stack, they will also be displayed here, allowing you to have more context into the issues that occur.

More than that, each replay also shows you the frontend logs, the response of each network request and much more, giving you a complete picture of every issue. That you, you have one source of truth from which you harvest all your debugging information.

Replay your Stack events

Debugging stack events does not have to be difficult. When you have all the pieces together, the picture becomes obvious. No need to spend time scratching your head over issues you don’t understand. With Asayer, you can simply replay your stack errors to quickly understand what goes wrong.

We already support the most popular logging tools such as Bugsnag, Rollbar, Sentry, Datadog, Elastic, Cloudwatch etc. We’ve recently added support for Elastic Search and Sumo Logic, and there are more integrations on the way !



Laurena Dehlouz

Writing about software development and debugging with @Asayer