Fullstack error tracking with Asayer + Rollbar

See the full context behind your Rollbar errors reports with this new integration.

Laurena Dehlouz
2 min readOct 25, 2019


Rollbar is an error tracking software that alerts you of issues in real-time in the form of error reports and stack traces. Instead of having to dig through logs, Rollbar collects contextual data everytime it detects an error so that you can more easily understand what happens.

However, problems aren’t always obvious.

The more complex your web app is, the more difficult it is to have an accurate idea of the true impact of issues just from a simple report. This is because they do not tell you:

  • How your users interacted with your software when the error occurred,
  • How the rest of your stack behaved.

What this means is that errors could be having an impact on your users and your software that is not immediately obvious.

By integrating Rollbar into Asayer, you can connect your Rollbar reports with the data from across your stack. Furthermore, the Asayer session replayer shows you in perfect detail how the end-user behaved. That way, you get full visibility behind every error, making it easy to fix issues across your web app.

To set up this integration, follow the instructions provided in this document.



Laurena Dehlouz
Writer for

Writing about software development and debugging with @Asayer