D.I.Y. Face Mask Detection

Apirak Sang-ngenchai
Published in
3 min readJul 2, 2020

with M5StickV (K210)


Hello I’m Apirak, Welcome back to journal. Last article we try to do an Automatic alcohol dispenser It works very well. So, Today i would like to introduce you to a new project that can detect: you are wearing a mask or not and notify on the LED light.

Let’s see how it work

When the board found you are not wearing a face mask the light in the front will turn to RED light

But if you are wearing a face mask the light will turn to GREEN light

Thing is request

  • M5StickV (hardware)
  • Maixpy IDE (software)
  • Flash_gui (software)

Collecting data

Before we train a machine can recognize who is wearing a mask or not. We need to collect the picture with a mask and no mask (we call it a data set). So, on this article you can download the data set from https://www.kaggle.com

After you download the data set, First you have to preparing the pictures for using in v-training (v-training is a website that you can training your data become to model for free)

Train your model

To train your model following this instruction : docs.m5stack.com/#/en/related_documents/v-training

  • Preparing your data set
  • Zip file and upload to V-Training

Test your model

After training is accomplished they will send it to you by personal email. You will found the link to download the model file.

  • Unzip the file and copy to SD card in the M5StickV


M5Stickv is a board that can help you to getting started to make a machine vision embedded solution. So far, This article just shows you how to use the Technology can help you to solve a problem in this situation. It’s just an Idea but it can be improved to use it in the future.




Apirak Sang-ngenchai

Sometime, We need to take a step away from certain things to reclaim your own self .