FROM THE START: A chat with the founder of IMIHI

6 min readApr 27, 2022


Alexis Lenae, founder of IMIHI, in front of a purple mural of people’s faces.
Alexis Lenae, founder of IMIHI.

Too often, we learn from other founders only after they’ve “already made it,” but there’s a lot to gain from their journeys as early-stage entrepreneurs. FROM THE START is an interview series with founders from our 2021–2022 Incubator that will trace their startup stories from the beginning, reveal some of the resources helping them overcome the bumps, and point out ways you can help them thrive.

Since joining the Incubator in May, all of the companies have been hustling to get their brands and businesses out there. Now it’s time to get to know them!

Some answers have been edited slightly for brevity.

What’s been the journey that’s led you to start your company?

To be honest, I never wanted to be an entrepreneur or a fashion designer. Don’t get me wrong, I have always loved clothing, but it was never something I really focused on as a business because I was always so involved with music. However, I have learned that whatever is meant for you WILL BE.

I randomly woke up one day and decided that I wanted to learn how to sew clothing for myself because I could never find what I was looking for in stores. With a few trials and errors (and YouTube), I learned the basics and improved from there. I made a piece for a friend as a favor, we posted it online, and people started to ask how they could order. It went from 1 person to 5, 50, to over 100! I had no clue about pricing, business structures, marketing, processes, target audience, etc. But, I knew that I had a product that people wanted, and I wanted to provide that to them.

Since then, I have continued with trial and error and utilizing the resources I have found (Ascender as an example) to become a better designer and overall businessperson. I’ve had to overcome a lot of personal challenges like imposter syndrome, self-doubt, and improving my time management to balance IMIHI and a full-time job. Overall, it’s been a journey full of highs and lows, but it is preparing me to be the best version I can be.

IMIHI is a custom clothing company whose goal is to make each customer feel special by providing them with made-to-order clothing. IMIHI creates clothing that encourages customers to embrace their true beauty & walk away feeling First Class, Captivating, and Confident.

What’s the problem that your business is solving?

The average size of an American woman is now about a 16, yet less than 10% of brands cater to that size or larger. Being a plus-size woman myself, I know what it feels like not to be able to find clothing that fits, let alone represents you and your style. Not being able to find quality clothing can easily make you feel insecure, isolated, ashamed, etc. It has an effect on a person’s mental wellbeing.

IMIHI is producing ready-to-wear and custom clothing that allows plus-size women (sizes 14+) to look and feel the way they have always wanted to; First Class, Confident, and Captivating. I know that I am the right person to do this because I have lived it and still am. Having the first-hand experience allows me to create from a place of passion and not from a place that wants to make a profit. I understand the woes and want to bring about a solution that can help.

What has helped you overcome the bumps you’ve encountered so far in your entrepreneurial journey?

The biggest bump I’ve had was understanding that I cannot do everything. More often than not, we view entrepreneurs as doing EVERY aspect of the business. We view that as part of the “hustle” of entrepreneurship but do not realize that it should only be done as a necessity and not as a permanent method. Unfortunately, we see it so often via social media, blogs, podcasts, and in our interaction with other entrepreneurs that we think this is how it should always be done, but it’s not. That is a sure way to experience fatigue and burnout.

When my mom passed away on New Year’s Day this year, my ENTIRE world stopped. I had absolutely no motivation to deal with my business because I knew I needed to focus on home. While my world froze, the business didn’t. People were still looking to get custom gowns and clothing made. Marketing still needed to happen. Inquiries were coming in, consultations were still being scheduled, but I was at a standstill. I quickly realized that I no longer had the capacity to manage my life, my business, and my schooling at the same time. I wrestled with the thought of having other people help with IMIHI because it’s my “baby.” “What if they don’t respond right? What if they don’t sew it the way I would? What if that IG post isn’t how I like it?! I felt like I had to do everything because I knew the ins and outs of the business. I finally accepted that I wasn’t doing my baby any good if I could only give it a portion of me. I had to learn to outsource and get help to manage the areas that I didn’t need to handle. I also learned that just because you add on help doesn’t mean your voice doesn’t matter. It’s still your baby. You just have a village to support it. ❤️

Being an entrepreneur means creating freedom. It means potentially positioning myself & my family for a different life. It means being a problem solver. It means being a leader & not just a boss. — alexis lenae

What does being an entrepreneur mean to you?

Being an entrepreneur means creating freedom. It means potentially positioning myself and my family for a different life. It means creating generational wealth for my future children that may not have had the opportunity. It means being an example to those younger than me that there are other avenues and industries to be successful in that aren’t the “traditional” ones. It means being a problem solver. It means being a leader and not just a boss.

What’s a resource or tip that’s helped you develop as a founder and move your business forward?

One resource that has helped me lately has been Grow with Google / Google Business. They offer a ton of FREE workshops and classes to better understand marketing and growing your business online. I think it is a great place to start when trying to figure things out. Here’s the link.

What’s next? How can our readers help you?

IMIHI is rebranding and will be launching a new ready-to-wear sub-brand called Aesthetics. It’s focusing on bringing that custom, luxurious feel that everyone knows and loves from us to everyday, more casual garments.

We are also looking to hire a part-time seamstress to help with sewing orders for our custom designs that we make in-house. You can see those details here: IMIHI Job Description.

We would love for you to spread the word and stay connected to us!


Learn more about IMIHI.


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