FROM THE START: A chat with the founder of Kloopify

5 min readSep 19, 2021


Daniela Osio, founder of Kloopify.

Too often, we learn from other founders only after they’ve “already made it,” but there’s a lot to gain from their journeys as early-stage entrepreneurs. FROM THE START is an interview series with founders from our 2021–2022 Incubator that will trace their startup stories from the beginning, reveal some of the resources helping them overcome the bumps, and point out ways you can help them thrive.

Since joining the Incubator in May, all of the companies have been hustling to get their brands and businesses out there. Now it’s time to get to know them!

Some answers have been edited slightly for brevity.

What’s been the journey that’s led you to start your company?

It is unfortunate that I have to use such a cliche to describe my journey to entrepreneurship, but “I have wanted to be an entrepreneur my whole life.” My grandparents were both successful entrepreneurs in Venezuela. My parents are risk-takers who left their homes to come to America and give my brother and me opportunities to succeed. I am an extension of their dreams and goals, which is why my parents have always supported me. I want to change the world, help the world, build something that matters.

So when I joined the corporate world, my number one concern was learning. I learned about the problems they were facing, challenges, and potential solutions for those problems. I spent years working in different fields like procurement, manufacturing, risk management, and more. So when COVID came and forced us all to take inventory of our lives, I decided it was time to finally invest in me. Invest in my dream of becoming an entrepreneur. I quit my job and started Kloopify.

Kloopify makes compliance with ecolabels digitized, automated, and navigable. Kloopify is the only holistic compliance platform for the electronics industry.

What’s the problem that your business is solving, and what gives you confidence that you’re the right person to do this?

Eighty-five percent of publicly traded companies have announced aggressive sustainability goals; many include reducing their carbon footprint, eliminating hazardous chemicals, and manufacturing in a sustainable manner. In order for these organizations to achieve their goals, they need to embed sustainability into their current workflows, including how they buy.

Kloopify enables organizations to procure sustainably. Kloopify allows you to achieve sustainability by seamlessly giving you visibility in your supplier’s carbon footprint, water consumption, and environmental footprint. Kloopify integrates sustainability into your current procurement processes enabling you to capture, monitor, and improve your environmental footprint.

I know I am the right person to solve this problem. I am passionate about sustainability, and I’ve spent years working within the procurement industry. I managed over $70 million in spending while at DuPont, successfully delivered $2 million of year-over-year savings during the second-largest merger in history, and won awards like ’30 under 30’ for the work I did.

What has helped you overcome the bumps you’ve encountered so far in your entrepreneurial journey?

Being an entrepreneur is hard. There is so much to do, and so much that you don’t know that many times it can be very overwhelming. I learned that I need to shamelessly ask for help. I have never been someone who was good at asking for help. I did things on my own, and when a problem came up, I looked for a solution. Being an entrepreneur has taught me to ask for help, reach out to my network, and lean on the people who want to see you succeed. I had to learn that asking for help isn’t a weakness. It’s recognizing that you are strong enough to let go of control.

“Being an entrepreneur means that you are wacky. Wacky enough to think that you can solve a huge problem. Wacky enough to believe that with a little luck and a lot of hard work you could actually do it.”

What does being an entrepreneur mean to you?

Being an entrepreneur means that you are wacky. Wacky enough to think that you can solve a huge problem. Wacky enough to risk your money, time, sacrifice your weekends, and learn from a firehose. Wacky enough to ignore those people and thoughts that think you’re going to fail. Wacky enough to believe that with a little luck and a lot of hard work, you could actually do it.

What’s a resource or tip that’s helped you develop as a founder and move your business forward?

When I get asked this question, I can’t help but envision that Friends episode where they’re trying to get the couch up the stairs yelling: “Pivot — Pivot — Pivot.” When I talk about Kloopify today, it is nothing like Kloopify Version.2019. Since that version, I can honestly say we are in a much better place today. It is all about growth, learning, and the journey. It is okay to pivot, and it is okay to learn more information and then change your mind.

What’s next? How can our readers help you?

I am looking to connect with procurement professionals who are responsible for implementing sustainable procurement goals, policies, and tools in order to achieve sustainability through purchasing excellence. Kloopify is looking for partners to pilot their sustainability procurement solution. Please contact daniela@kloopify.com for more information.

Learn more about Kloopify.

Visit: https://kloopify.com/

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