Embracing the Remote Revolution

How to Thrive in the Digital Age

5 min readMay 23, 2023


Thrive in the Remote Work Era

The rapid advancement of technology, plus that whole pandemic thingy, has ushered in a new era of work — remote work. The ability to work from anywhere has transformed the traditional office environment and opened up unprecedented opportunities for employees and employers alike. As we move further into this new era of work, it’s crucial to equip ourselves with the knowledge and tools needed to thrive.

The Advantages of Remote Work

Remote work offers numerous advantages that contribute to increased job satisfaction, productivity, and work-life balance. With the ability to work from anywhere, employees can create a flexible schedule that suits their needs while avoiding time-consuming commutes. Studies have shown that remote workers experience lower levels of stress and enjoy improved focus, resulting in higher levels of productivity and creativity.

As remote work becomes increasingly prevalent, employers are adapting their policies and practices to accommodate this new way of working. Companies are embracing the idea of a distributed workforce and implementing strategies to foster remote team collaboration. Remote onboarding, virtual team-building activities, and the use of specialized remote work tools are some of the approaches being adopted. Additionally, governments and policymakers are recognizing the long-term benefits of remote work and introducing regulations and incentives to support remote workers and businesses.

To thrive in a remote work environment, individuals should embrace certain strategies that promote productivity, professional growth, and overall well-being. As a vibrant community of entrepreneurs, freelancers, small businesses, and remote workers, we know a thing or two about this topic. So here are some strategies for success.

7 Tips to help remote workers thrive!

1. Create a Dedicated Workspace

One of the key elements for remote work success is establishing a dedicated workspace. Designate an area in your home solely for work-related activities or sign up for a membership at a local coworking space, like Ascender. This space should be free from distractions, comfortable, and equipped with the necessary tools and equipment. A well-organized and separate workspace helps maintain focus, productivity, and the urge to do your laundry.

2. Stick to a Routine

Maintaining a structured routine is vital when working remotely. Start your day at a consistent time, establish a morning routine that sets a positive tone, and dress as if you were going to the office. These habits signal to your brain that it’s time to shift into work mode, enhancing your focus and productivity.

DRESS FOR SUCCESS While you may not need to wear formal attire, changing out of your pajamas and getting dressed for work can have a positive impact on your mindset and productivity.

3. Establish Clear Boundaries

One common challenge of remote work is the blurred line between personal and professional life. Establishing clear boundaries is crucial to maintain a healthy work-life balance. Set designated working hours and communicate them to your colleagues and family members. Avoid working beyond your scheduled hours because it can lead to burnout and decreased productivity in the long run. Working at least a few days per week from a coworking space, library, or coffee shop can make this less of a challenge.

4. Communicate Effectively

Effective communication becomes even more critical in a remote work setup. Utilize various communication tools, like video conferencing platforms and instant messaging apps, to stay connected with your team. Update your calendar and online status if you take a break or have a private appointment. Clearly express expectations, deadlines, and project details to ensure everyone is on the same page. Regular check-ins and virtual meetings foster collaboration and minimize misunderstandings. But remember, don’t over-monitor your coworkers or schedule check-ins to prove you’re working. Most meetings can be emails.

5. Embrace Technology and Automation

Leverage the power of technology to streamline your remote work experience. Explore project management tools, time-tracking apps, and automation software to enhance productivity and efficiency. These tools can help you manage tasks, collaborate effectively, and automate repetitive processes, freeing up time for more strategic and creative work.

MAKE TIME FOR YOU Remote work can blur the lines between work and personal life, so it’s important to prioritize self-care. Engage in activities that promote physical and mental well-being, such as exercise, meditation, hobbies, and spending quality time with loved ones.

6. Continuous Learning and Skill Development

Remote work presents an excellent opportunity to invest in continuous learning and skill development. Take advantage of online courses, webinars, and virtual workshops to acquire new skills relevant to your industry. Platforms like LinkedIn Learning, Coursera, and other online resources offer a plethora of courses to enhance professional skills. And take advantage of local workshops and networking events, like the ones we host at Ascender. Enhancing your knowledge and expertise adds value to your current role and expands your career prospects.

7. Prioritize Self-Care

Working remotely can blur the lines between work and personal life, making it essential to prioritize self-care. Protect your mental well-being by setting boundaries and disconnecting from work during non-working hours. Take regular breaks, engage in physical exercise, and make time for activities that bring you joy and relaxation. You can find hundreds of free events in your community to keep you active, plus many coworking spaces host member-exclusive events to boost wellness, like yoga classes, bike rides, and peer-to-peer sharing circles.

Remote work has emerged as a transformative force in the world of employment, bringing about a paradigm shift in how we approach work-life integration. By implementing the strategies discussed above, you can thrive in this new era of work. Remember to create a dedicated workspace, stick to a routine, establish boundaries, communicate effectively, prioritize self-care, embrace technology, and invest in continuous learning. With the right mindset and habits, you can successfully navigate and excel in the remote work landscape.

Work Remotely from Ascender

Our Entrepreneur Hub and Coworking space offers the ideal shared office environment for all remote workers. As a member, you unlock access to your own desk to put you in the right working mood, reliable wifi and printers, curated resources and self-care activities, designated conference rooms and phone booths, and the opportunity to collaborate with folks from dozens of industries and backgrounds. Book a tour today!

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From fledgling tech companies, healthcare innovators, and nonprofits to makers, creators, services and shops, Ascender is for Pittsburgh’s entrepreneurs. We help businesses of all types in the Pittsburgh region start and build a business through education and connectivity. See how Ascender can help you.




Ascender is a vibrant hub with educational programs, mentorship, expert coaching, incubation and a collaborative coworking space that helps drive innovation.