How Music Impacts Your Workday

15 playlists to help entrepreneurs get work done.

5 min readAug 3, 2021


How Music Impacts Your Workday

We’re constantly talking about different aspects of the entrepreneurial lifestyle, from big picture stuff like culture and mental health to small-scale hacks to increase productivity and well-being. Now let’s take a quick look at something we encounter daily but might not pay that much attention to: the soundtrack to our workdays.

Your playlist choice for work can be just as important as choosing the tunes for your evening run or next road trip. Some things to consider:

First, there’s a stereotype about the kind of music that improves your productivity. Coined “The Mozart Effect,” this theory posits that listening to classical music enhances an individual’s brain function. What these studies didn’t mention: The effect was the same no matter the genre or type of music played for a research subject! New research concludes that an improvement in efficiency or reasoning is likely due to an individual’s improved overall mood from listening to music in general. Bottom line? Choose what you like.

We do know that songs with certain rhythms and frequencies are shown to have therapeutic effects, including promoting a sense of calm, improving an individual’s mood, and increasing concentration. If mood, focus, or sleep have been an issue for you, do some research into the types of benefits you’re looking for and the corresponding musical prescription. A mental health professional may have some recommendations if you feel really stuck.

Additionally, music with particular lyrics, moods, or messages can profoundly affect our mood or motivation. Of course, we know this intuitively — we’re not going to put on a slow dirge at a dance party — but scientific research also confirms this fact. Psychology Today reports: “As simple as it sounds, scientists have found that listening to particularly happy or sad music changes the way we perceive the world. According to researchers from the Netherlands, listening to a song like Bill Withers’ “Lovely Day” can create a self-fulfilling prophecy.”

Finally, it’s good to try something new. The benefits of listening to music we know and like are clear, but what about something new? Yup, that’s good for you, too. Besides fostering a sense of novelty and growth and helping you connect to new and different emotions, listening to new music can actually help you form new neural pathways in your brain.


When it comes to curating your work playlist, the options are as diverse as the entrepreneurial landscape itself. From classical symphonies to contemporary pop beats, the spectrum of music is vast and rich with potential to shape your work environment. It’s all about finding what resonates with you and enhances your productivity, creativity, and overall well-being.

As mentioned earlier, the “Mozart Effect” emphasizes the potential benefits of classical music on brain function. However, recent research has expanded this idea, suggesting that the positive impact of music on efficiency and reasoning extends across various genres. The critical factor appears to be your personal enjoyment and the mood enhancement music brings, irrespective of its genre. So, feel free to curate your playlist based on your musical preferences and what makes you feel good.

Beyond personal enjoyment, the rhythm and frequency of music play a significant role in affecting our mental state. Music with specific rhythms and frequencies can induce a sense of calmness, improve mood, and enhance concentration. If you’re looking to address mood, focus, or sleep issues, exploring the therapeutic effects of different types of music might be beneficial. Consulting a mental health professional for tailored recommendations can also guide you in the right direction.

Lyrics, mood, and messages in music are powerful influencers of our emotions and motivation. Happy or sad songs can alter our perception of the world around us, and the lyrics can resonate with our experiences, reinforcing particular emotions. A lively, upbeat tune might infuse energy into your work session, while soothing melodies can promote a relaxing atmosphere conducive to concentration and creativity.

Incorporating variety into your music routine is another aspect to consider. While comfort lies in familiarity with your favorite tunes, exploring new music can stimulate your brain and introduce novel experiences. Discovering new musical genres or artists can evoke fresh emotions and thoughts, encouraging creativity and broadening your mental horizons. It’s an opportunity to break away from routine and forge new neural pathways in your brain, fostering growth and adaptability.

The soundtrack to your workdays is more than just background noise — it’s a powerful tool that can influence your mood, productivity, and creativity. Whether you opt for classical compositions or contemporary hits, the key is to tailor your playlist to meet your specific needs and preferences. Experiment with different genres, rhythms, and lyrics to find what elevates your work experience and contributes to your entrepreneurial journey. Your playlist is a reflection of you and can truly enhance the entrepreneurial lifestyle.

In short: don’t put your music library on random. Instead, assess your needs for whatever it is you’re working on and choose music from there.

Whatever the mood, here are 15 playlists we recommend for everything from getting pumped for a big pitch to focusing on that pesky sales report:

  1. Café con Leche
  2. Dreampop Classics
  3. Energy Booster: R&B
  4. Focus Ragas
  5. Groovy Hillbilly Party
  6. Hip Hop Yoga
  7. KEXP Runners Podcast
  8. Lofi Japan
  9. Manhã Relax
  10. Morning Wakeup
  11. Relaxing Guitar Covers
  12. Uplifting Soul Classics
  13. Workflow Chill
  14. Women of Classical
  15. WYEP Presents: Letting Go

Have a favorite workday playlist? Share it in the comments below.

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