How to Choose a Coworking Space in Pittsburgh

Published in
5 min readJan 23, 2022
Two individuals working with laptops with the text: How to choose a coworking space in Pittsburgh

Ready to get your biz off the ground and get your work out of the house? Awesome. Picking the right coworking space for yourself or your team is a big step and one that can impact your growth moving forward.

Here are some suggestions for choosing the right coworking space in Pittsburgh from your local experts running one. Not to brag too much, but Ascender was a winner in City Paper’s Best of Pittsburgh: 2021 in the Best Coworking Space category.

Images of Ascender’s coworking space including a private conference room, two entrepreneurs having a meeting, and a large event space.


It seems obvious to say, but the first thing you want to look at is the workspace. First and foremost, you need to choose a place that has what you need to get it all done. Some things to think about:

  • Am I an individual, or am I a team? How much space do we need? What storage options?
  • What tech setup will I need?
  • Does the workspace feel comfortable, well lit, and well laid out?
  • What furniture is provided by the coworking space?
  • Are there conference rooms where I can meet with partners, board members, or investors?
  • How do I like to work? What are my needs in terms of supplies, teleconferencing, brainstorming/whiteboarding, holding meetings, or hosting events?
  • What are my team’s day-to-day operational needs, such as wifi, kitchen supplies, cleaning supplies, printing, scanning, network security, and mail delivery?
  • What are the building and workspace security like?
  • Are there spaces to relax and take a break on-site?


Often, one of the biggest differentiators between coworking spaces is the community — what is the mood, who are the people, and what is the balance between work and play? Consider all of this when thinking about the right space for you.

Coworking spaces are great for connecting with others in ways beyond work while you’re at work. Recently, both a Spanish-language conversation group and a contingent of rock climbing buds sprang up at Ascender, all as part of organic conversations between folks meeting and working together here.

Virtual tours are great for an introduction, but we recommend stopping by to visit a space in person, purchasing a day pass, or even asking about a trial period to see if the vibe matches with what you are looking for. Pro tip: Some spaces offer free or discounted days, so check their social media or newsletters for deals.

“I believe that collaboration and community are vital elements for fulfilling professional and personal life. Ascender is doing an excellent job of creating that exceptional collaborating environment. I’ve met so many amazing entrepreneurs and even potential clients here.” -Ascender coworking member


Okay, we get it. Entrepreneurs love to do things for themselves, but access to potential networks, partnerships, and ongoing learning opportunities are important, even if you consider yourself a jack-of-all-trades.

Pay attention to the events, funding opportunities, and other resources your prospective coworking space offers and which speakers and experts they are promoting to see if the networking, funding, and educational opportunities align with your current and future business goals. Pro tip: Before making a commitment, check out websites, follow social media accounts, and subscribe to the space’s newsletter to get a feel for the level of support provided.


We’re going to try really hard not to make any jokes about not wanting to cross bridges or go through tunnels, but who are we kidding? It’s a classic Pittsburgh concern.

If you’re new to Pittsburgh and trying to figure out what your commute will look like, we recommend trying it out rather than relying on online projections. What might seem like a short drive on a map may end up being a longer commute, plus parking rates and availability vary greatly. If you plan to use public transit, then give it a try before signing on with a coworking space. Different Pittsburgh neighborhoods have different (i.e., less frequent) bus service than others. Some spaces, like Ascender, offer free parking, so be sure to ask.


You’ll be spending a lot of time wherever you work, so you want to pick a neighborhood with easy access to amenities. What does your routine look like, and how might your work neighborhood impact the recruitment of future employees? Consider factors such as restaurants, gyms, childcare, coffee, shopping/groceries, hotels, bike-friendliness, libraries, community organizations, access to other business partners, green space, and bars/entertainment.

The amenities and resources in the neighborhood where your workspace is located can be a factor in attracting talent.


For most startups, the only inevitable thing is change. Just like with any contract you sign, make sure your coworking agreement has some flexibility in case your team size, budgets, and goals fluctuate.


We love that Pittsburgh is a small city with a lot of friendly people who are willing to help out if you ask. But even though the city has a reputation for “everyone knowing everyone,” we know that some folks have been excluded and that not all networks are not easy to break into. During your coworking space tour, ask about how the space facilitates networking.

With nearly 10 years of focused experience in the entrepreneurial ecosystem of Pittsburgh, we feel confident that Ascender has got a top-notch network full of talented, diverse local professionals. If you’re looking to meet an investor, coach, business mentor, or another expert here in the Pittsburgh region, we’d love to make an introduction.


Ascender has multiple price points for 24/7 coworking access in Pittsburgh’s East Liberty neighborhood. We’ve got a robust community, educational programming, networking events, virtual options, and more for teams of 1–8 from all industries. Learn more or book a tour on our membership page.

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From fledgling tech companies, healthcare innovators, and nonprofits to makers, creators, services and shops, Ascender is for Pittsburgh’s entrepreneurs. We help businesses of all types in the Pittsburgh region start and build a business through education and connectivity. See how Ascender can help you.




Ascender is a vibrant hub with educational programs, mentorship, expert coaching, incubation and a collaborative coworking space that helps drive innovation.