FROM THE START: A chat with the founder of Danceapply.com

Anna Francis
5 min readDec 4, 2023


A picture of Jaehee Cho, the founder of danceapply.com, in front of a mural of Pittsburgh.
Jaehee Cho, founder of Dancers Connect and its flagship platform, Danceapply.com.

Ascender’s FROM THE START series continues with our 2023–2024 Incubator!

Too often, we learn from other founders only after they’ve “already made it,” but there’s a lot to gain from their journeys as early-stage entrepreneurs. FROM THE START is our ongoing interview series with founders from our Incubator that traces their startup stories from the beginning, reveals some of the resources helping them overcome the bumps, and points out ways you can help them thrive.

Since joining the 2023–2024 Incubator in June, all of the companies have been hustling to get their brands and businesses out there. Now it’s time to get to know them!

Read more about Jaehee Cho and his startup journey below. Some answers have been edited slightly for brevity.

What does being an entrepreneur mean to you?

Being an entrepreneur to me means pushing my boundaries and testing my limits. It’s also about giving back to the community that has supported me. After arriving in Pittsburgh nine years ago, I received immense love and support from the people here. Now, I see it as my opportunity to return that kindness and contribute to the community that welcomed me.

What does your business do, what problems does it solve, and how?

Danceapply.com serves as a centralized hub for all dance audition needs. In the dance industry, there was a widespread issue with fragmented information. Dancers had to search multiple websites to find auditions, leading to missed opportunities. Additionally, the audition process itself was highly time-consuming and sometimes paper-based, creating challenges for both dancers and dance organizations. Our platform was created to address these issues head-on.

To solve this, we centralize all audition information on our platform. Dancers can now access comprehensive details about various auditions in one place, saving them from the hassle of navigating multiple websites. Secondly, we’ve streamlined the application process. Dancers can submit standardized applications easily, while dance organizations can efficiently manage and review these applications. This significantly reduces administrative burden and saves valuable time for everyone involved. Lastly, by offering a simplified and accessible platform, we’ve opened up opportunities for dancers from diverse backgrounds. Dance organizations can now reach a broader pool of talented individuals, promoting inclusivity in the dance community.

Drawing of ballet dancer with the text: “Danceapply.com is Dancers Connect’s flagship platform that connects ballet dancers with their dream schools. The platform strives to build a community built for those with a passion for ballet dance.”

What bumps have you encountered so far in your entrepreneurial journey?

At Danceapply.com, our primary challenge was seamlessly transitioning from outdated dance auditions to an online platform. Overcoming this hurdle required extensive research, continuous user feedback, and iterative design strategies. Our focus was on creating an interface that was both user-friendly and intuitive, ensuring dancers and organizations could navigate the platform effortlessly.

Personally, one of the challenges I faced as an immigrant was the language barrier, especially during my initial sales meetings. However, I conquered this obstacle through persistence and determination. By consistently engaging in sales efforts and concentrating on Danceapply.coms mission, I think I gradually developed the confidence and skills necessary.

What do you wish you would’ve known before starting up your own business?

I wish I had understood the importance of financial planning more thoroughly. Creating a detailed financial roadmap, including cash flow projections and contingency plans, is crucial. It not only helps in navigating the initial challenges but also prepares the business for unexpected circumstances. Additionally, mastering the art of pivoting would have been beneficial. No business plan survives contact with reality unchanged, and being flexible in adapting strategies based on market feedback is vital.

How has Ascender’s Incubator benefitted you and your business?

Ascender has been a transformative experience, not just for Danceapply.com but for me personally. The program provided an environment of constant learning and collaboration. I highly recommend other startup founders and future entrepreneurs to interact with Ascender. Their support has been amazing.

What’s a resource or tip that’s helped you develop as a founder and move your business forward?

One invaluable lesson I’ve learned as a founder is the importance of embracing failures as stepping stones to success. The ‘fail fast’ approach has been a guiding principle for me. Every setback is a lesson, and by quickly acknowledging and learning from them, we’ve been able to refine our strategy. Additionally, active listening to user feedback has been transformative. It’s amazing how much you can learn by truly understanding your users’ experiences and challenges. This iterative process has allowed us to continually enhance our platform, ensuring it meets the evolving needs of our users and propelling our company forward

What’s next? How can our readers help you?

We’re thrilled to have launched Danceapply.com successfully this year, partnering with five dance organizations, including prestigious ballet organizations like Pittsburgh Ballet Theatre School, Boston Ballet School, and Orlando Ballet. Our immediate focus is on supporting our current partners effectively. Looking ahead, we’re eager to expand our platform to support various forms of dance auditions. We also have international expansion on our horizon in the next few years.

Dance apply — 2023–2024 incubator company

Learn more about Dancers Connect & Danceapply.com.

Visit: www.dancers-connect.com

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From fledgling tech companies, healthcare innovators, and nonprofits to makers, creators, services and shops, Ascender is for Pittsburgh’s entrepreneurs. We help businesses of all types in the Pittsburgh region start and build a business through education and connectivity. See how Ascender can help you.

