Zebec Twitter Space AMA Recap

AscendEX Support
Published in
2 min readApr 6, 2022

Subash Gautam (@subaashgautam) from the Zebec team sat down for an AMA with Nick (@_Lombar) from AscendEX on Twitter Spaces this morning to discuss their product offerings and their token listing, here is the summary of their conversation:


  • Continuous settlement protocol on the Solana network
  • MultiSig solution for added security especially for larger payments
  • Low transactions fees
  • Extremely fast transaction speeds
  • Payroll capabilities
  • Allows employers to pay their employees on a per/second basis
  • Composable transfer of value for various types of payment situations


  • Mass adoption of crypto currency
  • Lower transaction costs
  • Lower Transaction speeds
  • Potential use cases in the GameFi space in the future
  • Long term goals are to onboard millions of users to use Zebec products
  • Shorter term goals are to incentivize developers to build apps that take advantage of the Zebec project through hackathons and other promotional events
  • The release of a Zebec Debit card for real world payments

Product Capabilities:

  • Payroll solution
  • Retail payments solution
  • Staking and vesting solutions for token holders to earn rewards
  • Cancellation, pause and, execute payment options within composable contracts
  • Automated dollar cost averaging payments

What types of users are being targeted

  • Retail

— Payments

— Staking

— Debit card for payments

  • Enterprise

— Payroll

— Composable Smart Contracts

