3 Ascentic years

Ascentic Life
Published in
2 min readApr 3, 2020

Today is Ascentic’s 3 years anniversary and I felt it was about time for me to reflect back on our journey.

4,5 years back I was in a situation you might be able to relate to. I had a stable job at a large company, recently engaged with my fiancé, we had a nice apartment in Stockholm and friends and family nearby. Everything was good, but…it was just a bit too comfortable.

Being an entrepreneur and exploring the unknown has always excited me. You control your own destiny and have the chance of truly making an impact on lives.

When I and Anna travelled to Sri Lanka in December 2015 we were blown away about the openness and friendliness of Sri Lankans. We also quickly realised that this is a country on the rise, and we just felt that we had to be part of it.

A couple of months later I resigned from my job, without a clear plan of what to do more than that we were set on moving to Sri Lanka. During the coming months we did more research and found that Sri Lanka is strong in the IT field, and knowing about the shortage of developers in the Swedish market an idea started to take form.

In November 2016, we moved to Sri Lanka without any experience of working for an IT-consultancy company nor with any confirmed clients. Our mindset was that everything we need to know, we’ll learn along the road. Five months later we opened up for business and the rest is history. I’m so proud of the journey we have done at Ascentic and today we are 55 Ascenders fully focused on providing Swedish companies with the skills they need.

From the start, one of our ambitions have been to build a workplace out of the ordinary, and we set the target on becoming the best workplace in Sri Lanka for driven techies. As a part of this, one of the goals was to become Great Place to Work certified and last week we got the news — Ascentic has been certified as a Great Place to Work 2020!!

This recognition is a big shoutout to the whole crew that together has shaped a company that stands out by doing things in ways others say is not possible. The best part is that we have only just started, and I’m so excited to see where the coming years will take us!


