Build the right solution, not the biggest: how to avoid over-engineering in software engineering.

Diliru Munasingha
Ascentic Technology
2 min readOct 3, 2024

In software engineering, it’s easy to fall into the trap of over-engineering and building systems that are more complex than necessary. You start simple, but before you know it, your project has multiple layers of abstraction, unnecessary features, and an architecture designed for scalability that may never be needed. This wastes time, increases costs, and makes maintenance a nightmare.

Over-engineering usually stems from good intentions, future-proofing, perfectionism or a desire to impress. But instead of creating a robust solution, you end up with a bloated one. Here’s how to avoid this common pitfall.

Why Over-engineering Happens

  • Future-Proofing: Designing for problems that may never occur.
  • Perfectionism: Aiming for flawless architecture when a simpler solution would suffice.
  • Feature Creep: Adding unnecessary features just because you can.
  • Premature Optimisation: Optimising performance before you even know if it’s needed.

Signs You’re Over-engineering

  • Layers of unnecessary abstractions.
  • Too many configurations and unused features.
  • Code that no one but you can understand.
  • Over-optimisation without real-world data to justify it.

How to Avoid Over-engineering

  1. Start Simple: Focus on MVP: Build a Minimum Viable Product (MVP) that solves immediate user problems. You can always iterate based on feedback.

2. Embrace YAGNI (You Aren’t Gonna Need It): Don’t build features you think might be needed later. Focus on what’s required now. Complexity adds risk, so save extra features for when they become essential.

3. Prioritise Maintainability: Simplicity over complexity. Code should be easy to understand and maintain, not a masterpiece only you can decipher. Design systems that your team can work with, without excessive documentation.

4. Iterate with Feedback: Release small, functional features quickly and adjust based on actual user needs. This helps avoid unnecessary complexity and ensures you’re solving the right problems.

5. Communicate with Stakeholders: Stay aligned with business goals and user needs. Don’t add complexity for hypothetical future issues, build what matters now.

6. Avoid Premature Optimisation: Optimise only when data shows performance bottlenecks. Premature optimisation adds complexity without real benefit, making the code harder to change later.

7. Use Agile Practices: Agile principles of short sprints and iterative feedback help prevent over-engineering. Focus on delivering value incrementally, with continuous adjustments based on real-world use.

Conclusion: Keep It Simple

Over-engineering complicates projects unnecessarily. By focusing on simplicity, building iteratively, and optimising only when needed, you’ll create solutions that are practical, maintainable, and scalable without overloading your project with unnecessary complexity. Remember, the goal is to build the right solution, not the most complex one.

How do you avoid over-engineering? Let me know in the comments!

