ASCH and DragonEx reached a strategic cooperation Warning: Please do not buy ASCH again, Asch is no longer a blockchain.

Published in
4 min readOct 19, 2018

Recently, ASCH and DragonEx have reached a strategic cooperation, XAS will soon be officially listed on DragonEx. Details have been confirmed on the construction of an independent eco-trading market for ASCH and the participation of ASCH in the DragonEx Academy. The era of a strong combination of the exchange and the public blockchain has come.

The main advantages of the construction of the public chain ecosystem and the currency circulation of the exchange are combined, which complement each other’s shortcomings. Cooperation content: In the first stage, DragonEx will list XAS; in the second stage, DragonEx will introduce the DApp tokens on the ASCH public chain to build an independent ecological market for ASCH; in the third stage, ASCH will participate in the DragonEx Academy, and give a special lecture on ASCH public chain and high-quality DApps on the chain.

The strategic cooperation between DragonEx and ASCH has great significance:

1.DragonEx and ASCH will realize flow communication and inject fresh blood into their respective ecosystems.

DragonEx and ASCH each have strong community support. DragonEx has over 210,000 active users from 32 countries. DragonEx currently has 4 trading markets in USDT, ETH, DC and LAB, 100 trading pairs, and daily trading amount of 12–15 million USDT. The model of “trading is mining” and “holding shares bonus” makes it quickly develop into the world’s top 20 exchanges. The community is extremely active. At the end of September, on the day of the DragonEx Academy “Online Project Show” held by the official groups, the community activity ranking rose to the second in the world. On the basis of high-flow platform, DragonEx builds an independent trading market for ASCH. You can enter the trading market by choosing “ASCH” on the Exchange column, which brings convenience to both users and facilities the transaction of DApps on ASCH. At the same time, DragonEx Academy plans to arrange a special session for ASCH, to popularize ASCH and its DAPPs in the official groups, so as to increase users’ understanding of ASCH and DAPPs on the chain and improve their confidence in participation.

The ASCH community is gradually achieving community autonomy. Currently there are over 100 active volunteers in the ASCH community and more than 100,000 fans around the world. Many ASCH community members take the initiative to undertake maintenance and promotion tasks in the current cold stage. Therefore, the combination of the strong makes the flow highly interoperable to offer users more options in the tired bear market.

2. ASCH brings more selectivity and reference to the development of DragonEx

On ASCH, it can be applied to a wide variety of scenarios. ASCH encourages and supports developers to develop premium DApps using ASCH technology. At present, the ASCH public chain has gathered a lot of high-quality DApps, such as CCTime, Koumei Cottage, Dream World, BlockDino, Hello Kimi, etc., covering content sharing, forecasting market, games, social and other application categories. Considering the next step in strategic cooperation. DragonEx is likely to develop applications with its features on ASCH, and the future is full of imagination. The exploration of DragonEx is always on the way.

On the road to decentralization, both sides happen to coincide. In early 2018, the ASCH community completely abolished the man-made community in groups and replaced it with a completely decentralized, completely autonomous community. The ASCH community remains united and organized after the move. DragonEx has always been committed to community autonomy and decentralization management, with plans for the preparation of the decentralized exchange in the first quarter of 2019. The decentralization of the ASCH community is a great example of success for DragonEx.

3. It is conducive to lowering the threshold and accelerating the implementation of blockchain applications

With the improvement of the ecological layout such as the trading market and the settlement of issues such as listing tokens on exchanges and financing, the circulation of DApp tokens can be effectively improved to promote the construction and development of DApp, and ultimately contribute to the improvement of the overall ecological layout of the public chain. It is able to concentrate the efforts and resources to break through the technical difficulties of the public chain, and once again lower the threshold for DApp construction. In the end, the implementation of blockchain applications will be accelerated, and the blockchain will truly enter people’s lives.

4. The transformation of DragonEx from centralized exchange to distributed trading tools has made the decentralization of DragonEx into a new level

At present, most exchanges are centralized, while decentralized exchanges are the mainstream in the future. DragonEx has obviously gone further in this respect. Since its establishment, it has foreseen the pattern of future exchanges. The transition from inflation to deflation is the first step. This time, the cooperation with ASCH and the open ecological market are also on the mainstream way of decentralized exchanges. Subsequently, DragonEx will build more ecological markets and improve the ecological layout. In addition, DragonEx plans to hand over part of the equity to the public chain, such as the right to list trading pairs in the trading markets, and the selection of high-quality DApps on the chain, etc., finally developing into a distributed trading tools from the centralized exchange.

It is believed that through such strong and interactive strategic cooperation, DragonEx and ASCH will be able to bring stronger value intercommunication and innovative development space. Let’s look forward to the changes brought about by their strategic cooperation!

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