ASCH chain’s cross-chain technology conference was successfully held, creating a new era of interconnection and interoperability!

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5 min readMay 29, 2018

On the afternoon of May 27, 2018, ASCH chain held a grand launch of the ASCH chain’s cross-chain technology at the Crowne Plaza Lido Hotel in Beijing to share the realization principle of ASCH chain cross-chain technology and its follow-up development plan.

CSDN vice president Meng Yan, KCASH founder Zhu Xuejiao, and Antpool CTO Hong Sen and other guests attended the press conference to witness the moment of ASCH chain’s cross-chain technology landing and further explore the application scenario and development direction of the subsequent cross-chain technology.

At the beginning of the conference, ASCH chain CEO Shan Qingfeng delivered a passionate speech, which kicked off the conference. In the speech, Shan Qingfeng shared the original intention of the ASCH chain development and the philosophy of the ASCH chain design. The design concept includes how to achieve decentralization, consensus mechanism, distributed books, smart contracts, token, low cost and so on.

ASCH chain CTO Qian Hantao introduced the ASCH chain platform’s technology framework from the aspects of industry pain points, ASCH chain innovation points and so on. Qian Hantao said that the blockchain technology is impeded from large-scale commercial use mainly because the existing blockchain system performance is difficult to support the commercial development and the blockchain development cost is too high.

Based on these two major pain points, ASCH has designed a high-performance, low-cost blockchain application development platform based on multi-chain and cross-chain technology. A back-end developer with three years of development experience can develop DAPPs based on the ASCH platform after 7 to 15 days of learning.

Next, ASCH chain VP Kuai Daping shared the theme with “2018 ASCH chain’s ecological upgrade plan”. In the past two years, ASCH has experienced many hardships and achieved a series of remarkable achievements. The number of users reached more than 100,000, the cumulative number of transactions was 440,000, the block height was over 5 million, the number of issued assets was more than 30, and the number of registered delegates reached more than 600.

As a core member of the research and development of cross-chain technology, Liang Peili, senior engineer of the ASCH chain, deeply shared the ASCH’s cross-chain technical principle. Liang Peili said that most cross-chain projects currently available in the market are only theoretically feasible and cannot be realized in practice.

The ASCH chain adopts a two-way peg technology. By adding the function of council nomination in the client, it can greatly guarantee the decentralized characteristics and security of the cross-chain. After the realization of cross-chain, the original blockchain (such as Bitcoin) can complete asset transfer through cross-chain agreements without any changes. ASCH’s main chain provides 10s transaction confirmation time and the DAPP development ecology, which greatly expands the original blockchain Token usage scenarios and application value.

At the end of the speech, Liang Peili showed one by one the ASCH chain client interface after achieving cross-chain. Cross-chain is no longer a concept, and the flow of values between chains and chains has become a reality.

In the end, ASCH Chain CEO Shan Qingfeng announced the development plan for ASCH in the coming year, and the conference came to a climax.

These plans include the release of IOS wallet, the upgrade of ASCH V2.0, the upgrade of consensus and on-chain dividend mechanism, the development of on-chain community task budget system, and the development of ASCH developer service platform V1.0.

In terms of operations, in 2018, ASCH chain will empower ten industries and cooperate with large enterprises in games, content and digital marketing, supply chain and logistics, services (hotels, leisure, retail), and financial services (banking, securities, insurance, auditing), to create industry benchmark projects. ASCH will establish 100 million ecological funds, support 1,000 outstanding DAPP entrepreneurs, and foster the ecological growth of the ASCH chain.

At the roundtable meeting, Liu Yingnan, Chairman of Fendou Media, Lin Xiaoyu, Founder & CEO of Chain Planet, Hong Sen, CTO of Antpool, Zuo Yun, Partner of YiJie Finance and Founder of Shanjin, Ye Jing, Founder of Hash Union & Hash Investment Bank, Meng Yan, Vice President of CSDN, Chen Yong, Founder of Serial Capital and Zhu Xuejiao, Founder of KCASH, held a 30-minute discussion on the topic of “Application Prospect of Cross-Chain Technology”. The discussion points included the development trend of the blockchain public chain in 2018 and cross-chain value in terms of technology, ecology, users, and business value.

The holding of the ASCH chain cross-chain technology conference marks the beginning of the maturity of the technology of ASCH chain and the beginning of a new step; the in-depth implementation of DPOS mechanism by ASCH community will achieve better community autonomy; ASCH ecology is more open and inclusive, embracing the whole industry. After time is tempered, ASCH chain will eventually become the most dazzling star.

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