ASCH V1.4 Update Summary

Published in
3 min readAug 2, 2018

Since the release of ASCH v1.4, people have been waiting for the update details. This version has a lot of changes, including new features for the user, optimization of tools for developer and a refactoring of underlying code. Here is the summary for you to have an overall idea, and the detailed introduction will be released soon.

v1.4 Updates

1.1 New Features

  • Decentralized Gateways: currently accomplished the gateway for Bitcoin Cash and Bitcoin. Other tokens will be added later. More details please refer to“ASCH Cross-Chain White Paper”
  • Group Account: Support multisig to manage and update of an account
  • Council feature for publicity of asset status
  • Transaction request
  • Token to voting right binding
  • Voting Agent
  • Proposal
  • Nickname setting, support transfer by using nickname
  • Totally 37 new build-in contracts added to support above features

1.2 Optimizing

  • 【Storage】Substitute leveldb for sqlite3 to store block header and change log
  • 【Storage】Substitute better-sqlite3 for sqlite3 to store status data
  • 【Code quality】Refactoringof smartdb by employ typescript
  • 【Network】Substitute third party open source component kadence for peer module to refactor p2p network
  • 【Network】Adopt release and subscribe mode to refactor nodes communication protocol
  • 【Network】Substitue nedb for sqlite3 to store node information
  • 【Frontend】Substitute VUE for Angular to rewrite client project
  • 【Frontend】Develop UI component library based on third party open source framework Quasar
  • 【Frontend】Responsive design to mobile client
  • 【Frontend】Adopt the method of frontend and backend separating to bundle and deploy

1.3 Modification

  • 【Network】Adopt new ports to deal with p2p messages, old ports used to check block status and submit transactions.
  • 【Consensus】Ordinary users cannot vote. Voting right must be obtained before voting
  • 【Consensus】Block production reward temporarily managed by the Council. Council releases reward to block producers according to regulations.
  • 【Consensus】ACL and account closing are not available for issued token
  • 【Consensus】No long compatible with pure number address, pure number address users information is migrated to bse58check address. Original public key and private key are still valid.
  • 【Consensus】The accounts that have participated in voting will be on lock status automatically, users can unlock at any time. All votes will be withdrawn once unlock.

** Attention to Users with pure number addresses

  • If you have made transaction before, you can login to your account with your mnemonic, but your address is changed to the address starts with A, the old address is invalid.
  • If you have only received transactions before, and have never initiated one, your account will be locked temporarily, and unable to initiate transactions, but still can receive them. The account will be unlocked by the next version upgrade. If you have any questions, please contact ASCH team at

2. Upgrade and Installation

2.1 Files

Installation Package Snapshot:

(Mainland China)


Database Snapshot:

(Mainland China)


2.2 Upgrade from the Old Version

  • Stop the running node: ./aschd stop
  • Download aschd: wget
  • Add execution privilege:chmod a+x aschd
  • Upgrade:./aschd upgrade
  • Rebuild:./aschd rebuild, choose the right option based on your server location
  • Start the node:./aschd start

2.3 New Installation

  • Download the installation package based on you server location
  • tar zvxf asch-linux-1.4.0-mainnet-14.04.tar.gz
  • cd asch-linux-1.4.0-mainnet
  • Rebuild:./aschd rebuild, choose the right option based on your server location
  • Start the node:./aschd start

2.4 Install from source code

  • cd asch directory,pull the latest master code:git pull
  • checkout to 1.4.0 tag: git checkout v1.4.0
  • npm install
  • Rebuild:./aschd rebuild, choose the right option based on your server location
  • Start the node:NET_VERSION=mainnet node app.js — daemon

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