ASCH value comes from the heart.

Published in
2 min readDec 16, 2017

This year it seems that the crypto shell has been broken. Everybody is talking about the most famous cryptocurrency, bitcoin, having many supporters but also detractors. It is a bubble? It’s its Price justified? Will continue to grow? These questions are the kind of questions that day after day more people are asking, opening the eyes of the general population about this crypto revolution. But as many of you already know, bitcoin is just the tip of the iceberg, because there is a huge altcoin market that seems to be also exploding. But that poses a difficulty: How to choose the right token? How to discern between good and bad projects? Right now is a good moment to invest or that ship has already sailed?

I want to talk to you about ASCH. Its name comes from Application Side Chain, due to its unique system features that provide support for applications built on side-chain technology, and it’s offering a very good point of entry to developers so they can build Dapps (decentralized apps) with javascript, getting the best of the blockchain technology and bringing it out to the masses (!). So yeah, the tech behind it is really good, and that alone should be enough to be confident in this Project. However, I don’t want to explain more about this because there are plenty of info everywhere, and I believe that ASCH value doesn’t comes just from their good tech.

It comes from the heart.

Why? Because this Project isn’t just about an Enterprise trying to make a cut of the crypto gains by making a token and applying heavy marketing to it. No, ASCH is a COMMUNITY. ASCH means collaborative work, ASCH means getting better by helping each other out, ASCH means building a project that could work even if the main devs are gone in the future. ASCH means legacy for humanity.

If you know about ASCH, you’ll know that most of the resources are focused heavily on the development and not on marketing. That actually have generated criticism from their own community, because some people felt that ASCH is getting behind. But it really is getting behind? A few days ago ASCH won the best popularity award in the China’s Blockchain Technology Innovation and Application contest, and that IS because their community is strong. However, ASCH origin is chinese, and most of their community are therefore chinese, but right now, just a few months ago, more and more westerners are getting into ASCH, like me.

If you want to know more about ASCH, don’t forget to check their website ( ) or their subreddit ( )

