Cross the Pacific Ocean and Embrace the New Year

Published in
3 min readJan 9, 2018

“Asch Talk”, the interactive activity online among Beijing, Shanghai, and Silicon Valley was successfully concluded.

On January 5, “Asch Live Online — Gathering Together” was held as the first New Year’s activity. The Asch team had a deep communication with community members through voice chat among Beijing, Shanghai and Silicon Valley in the United States. They elaborated the progress of Asch in the past year and the development plan for 2018 from four aspects including technology, strategy, operation and application development and were looking forward to the development trend of the blockchain technology in the next ten years and the strategic development plan of Asch. Shan Qingfeng, the founder of Asch, Zhang Zelin, the CMO of Asch team, Zhang Detao, the COO of Koumei Cottage(KMC), Cheng Xianhe, the founder of HelpChain(HLP), Kimi, the founder of Hello Kimi project, the CEO of Biviews(BVS), Tian Shaojie, the business partner of Asch, Qu Qing, Guo Haiming, Wang xiang and Zhuan jia, the community representative delivered a speech successively.

Shan Qingfeng, the founder of Asch, reviewed the development history of Asch since its establishment from white papers, main net, PC wallets, and Android wallets to CCTime and Koumei Cottage going live, from the blockchain application ecology of multi-chain parallelling pattern, to the cross-chain research and development of

Asch, bitcoin and Ethereum, from the continuous optimization of the underlying technology to the large file sharing and storage, from building a practical and efficient DAPP development platform to the planning of a first-class blockchain service provider. Asch brings us a vision of the vigorous development of the blockchain industry.

Wang Xiang, the business partner in Silicon Valley and overseas strategic adviser of Asch, explained Asch’s overseas strategies from promotion, community construction, overseas investor relations and international DAPP entrepreneurship competition.

Zhang Zelin, the team CMO, explained about the community operation, external media matrix construction and new media operation. She stressed that Asch would establish domestic and foreign media operation team, channel team and business team, to provide various support for each DAPP about Asch.

Tian Shaojie, the business partner and strategy consultant of Asch, believes that 2018 will be the year of “transition” for blockchain technology and application, and elaborated the “5 1” strategy of Asch in the domestic layout.

Guo Haiming, the business partner and strategy consultant of Asch, deeply analyzed the advantages of Asch from the combination of artificial intelligence and the blockchain, as well as the cooperation with domestic and foreign universities and research institutes.

Zhang Detao, the COO of Koumei Cottage(KMC), Kimi, the founder of Hello Kimi project, Qu Dan, the CEO of Biviews(BVS), and Cheng Xianhe, the founder of HelpChain(HLP) respectively elaborated and shared the specific application of DAPP, promotion, business pattern and potential market space.

As an outstanding community representative of Asch, Zhuanjia believes that Asch has “four engines”: the first one is the strong technology, the second is the big platform, the third is the strong promotion and operation, and the fourth is autonomous community construction. At the same time, he explained the meaning of decentralization from the point of community.

In the end, Shan Qingfeng said that there would be a different Asch presenting in front of all of you in 2018. We sincerely hope that everyone looks forward to Asch’s performance in 2018!

